home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* YTPrint */
- /* Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This version requires MuiRexx 3.0 use Yamtools 1.7 with MuiRexx 2.2 */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This script requires YAMTOOLS for it to work. If you don't have YAMTOOLS */
- /* you can get it on Aminet in directory comm/mail. This script allows you */
- /* to Print a Yam mail with textstyling (bold, underline, italic) as it */
- /* appears from within Yam (color changed to bold). It also allows for */
- /* saving to disk with/without converting the styling to ANSI codes. */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* To use this select a mail and decide how much you want printed, saved, or */
- /* viewed and whether to STYLE or not. There is also an option to print/save */
- /* each section of the mail as a separate page/file. */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee */
- /* that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-) */
- /* */
- /*HOWEVER, if you DO find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they */
- /*would love a postcard from where EVER you live. */
- /* */
- /*Instant GEOGRAPHY lesson;) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /*POSTCARDS: Dick Whiting */
- /* 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd. */
- /* Mulino, Oregon 97042 */
- /* USA */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Address Bug Reports or Comments to: */
- /* Dick Whiting <dwhiting@europa.com> */
- /* 21 June 1997 */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*
- $VER: 1.0 Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting
- $AUTHOR: Dick Whiting
- $DESCRIPTION: Print a mail file with styling
- */
- options results
- options failat 21
- parse arg mainparm subparm
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Initialize Variables */
- /**************************************************************************/
- Call MUIvars /* go define vars for MUI use */
- Call YTvars /* various values used in YT */
- Call Helpvars /* pointers into HELP guide */
- Call Localize /* vars for localizing strings*/
- Call Builtvars /* built using previous values*/
- Address YAMTOOLS
- Call CheckYam
- Select
- when mainparm='' then do
- Call CheckDup
- Call GetYamInfo
- Call ReadMail
- Call BuildWindow
- Call IdMail
- end
- when mainparm='READ' then do
- Call ViewPrint
- end
- when mainparm='VIEW' then do
- Call ViewPrint
- end
- when mainparm='PRINT' then do
- Call ViewPrint
- end
- when mainparm='DISK' then do
- Call ViewPrint
- end
- when mainparm='UNMIME' then do
- Call GetYamInfo
- method ID YTPRM MUIM_List_Clear
- method ID YTPRH MUIM_List_Clear
- method ID YTPRT MUIM_List_Clear
- method ID YTPRR MUIM_List_Clear
- Call UnMime
- Call ReadMail
- Call IdMail
- end
- when mainparm='QUIT' then do
- 'window ID YTPRW close'
- end
- otherwise do
- errmsg=_text._badparm
- Call ErrorMsg
- end
- end
- j=0
- k=j
- do i=1 to selected.0
- list ID YTPRM ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- mcnt=result
- do j=k to mcnt-1
- list ID YTPRM POS j
- xsubparm=result
- if xsubparm=selected.i then do
- reselptr=1+reselect.0
- reselect.0=reselptr
- reselect.reselptr=j
- k=j
- leave j
- end
- end
- end
- do j=1 to reselect.0
- method ID YTPRM MUIM_List_Select reselect.j MUIV_List_Select_On
- end
- exit
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Read the mail file into array */
- /**************************************************************************/
- ReadMail:
- maillist.=''
- maillist.0=0
- i=0
- if open('IN',mfile,'R') then do
- do while ~eof('IN')
- linein=readln('IN')
- if ~eof('IN') then do
- i=i+1
- linein=translate(linein,' ',tab)
- maillist.i=linein
- end
- end
- maillist.0=i
- foo=close('IN')
- window ID YTINF close
- end
- else do
- errmsg=_text._badmail
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Loop thru the mail identifying parts */
- /**************************************************************************/
- IdMail:
- infotext=_text._prepmail
- infobuttons=''
- showbusy=TRUE
- Call InfoWindow
- header.=' '
- parts.0=0
- parts.=''
- i=0
- header=TRUE
- multipart=FALSE
- quoted=FALSE
- bfound=FALSE
- parttype='H'
- boundary=''
- partname='text/plain'
- content='text/plain'
- encoding=''
- partnum=0
- headnum=1
- do i=1 to maillist.0
- if header then do
- if maillist.i~='' then do
- select
- when upper(word(maillist.i,1))='FROM:' then header.1=maillist.i
- when upper(word(maillist.i,1))='TO:' then header.2=maillist.i
- when upper(word(maillist.i,1))='DATE:' then header.3=maillist.i
- when upper(word(maillist.i,1))='SUBJECT:' then header.4=maillist.i
- when upper(word(maillist.i,1))='CONTENT-TYPE:' then do
- if pos('BOUNDARY=',upper(maillist.i))>0 then do
- parse var maillist.i junk '=' boundary
- boundary=strip(boundary,'B','"')
- if boundary~='' then do
- boundary='--'||boundary
- endbound=boundary||'--'
- multipart=TRUE
- end
- end
- else do
- content=word(maillist.i,2)
- content=strip(content,'T',';')
- parse var maillist.i junk'name='partname';'rest
- partname=strip(partname,'B','"')
- end
- end
- when upper(word(maillist.i,1))='CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING:' then do
- encoding=word(maillist.i,2)
- if upper(encoding)='QUOTED-PRINTABLE' then do
- quoted=TRUE
- end
- end
- otherwise nop
- end
- call LoadParts
- end
- else do /* start of section after a header */
- partnum=partnum+1
- if multipart & ~bfound then parttype='L'
- else parttype='B'
- call LoadParts
- headnum=headnum+1
- header=FALSE
- end
- end
- else do
- if ~multipart then do
- call LoadParts
- end
- else do /* need to handle multipart */
- select
- when ~bfound & maillist.i~=boundary then do
- call LoadParts
- end
- when ~bfound & maillist.i=boundary then do
- parttype='X'
- call LoadParts
- bfound=TRUE
- partcnt=partcnt+1
- j=i+1
- if maillist.j='' then do /* line after boundary null */
- parttype='B' /*!changed from T */
- headnum=headnum+1 /* inserted */
- end
- else do /* line after boundary NOT null */
- parttype='H'
- header=TRUE
- end
- end
- when bfound & maillist.i=endbound then do
- parttype='X'
- call LoadParts
- partcnt=partcnt+1
- parttype='T'
- end
- when bfound & maillist.i~=boundary then do
- call LoadParts
- end
- when bfound & maillist.i=boundary then do
- parttype='X'
- call LoadParts
- bfound=TRUE
- j=i+1
- if maillist.j='' then do /* line after boundary null */
- parttype='B'
- headnum=headnum+1
- partcnt=partcnt+1
- end
- else do /* line after boundary NOT null */
- parttype='H'
- header=TRUE
- end
- end
- otherwise do
- say 'found otherwise in IdMail'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- do j=1 to 4
- list ID YTPRT INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom STRING '='header.j
- end
- parttype=parts.1
- partcnt=parts.1.1
- sectcnt=1
- do i=2 to maillist.0
- if parts.i=parttype & parts.i.1=partcnt then do
- sectcnt=sectcnt+1
- end
- else do
- Call ReportParts
- parttype=parts.i
- partcnt=parts.i.1
- sectcnt=1
- end
- end
- i=maillist.0
- Call ReportParts
- list ID YTPRM ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- mcnt=result
- do i=0 to mcnt-1
- list ID YTPRM POS i
- subparm=result
- parse var subparm parttype ',' xpartcnt ',' rest
- if substr(parttype,3)='Body' then leave i
- end
- if i>0 then do
- firsttime=TRUE
- method ID YTPRM MUIM_List_Select i MUIV_List_Select_On
- mainparm='VIEW'
- Call ViewPrint
- end
- if quoted then do
- errmsg=_text._prtquoted
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Build array with type information for each line */
- /**************************************************************************/
- LoadParts:
- if parttype='H' then partcnt=headnum
- else partcnt=partcnt
- linein=parttype||','||partcnt||','||partname||','||content||','||encoding||',='||maillist.i
- list ID YTPRH INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom,
- ATTRS MUIA_List_Format """,,,,,""",
- STRING linein
- parts.i=parttype
- parts.i.1=partcnt
- parts.i.1.1=partname
- parts.i.1.1.1=content
- parts.i.
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Display one line per portion of Mail File */
- /* !!! need to figure out what is encodet how in multipart */
- /**************************************************************************/
- ReportParts:
- if parttype~='B' then do
- partname=''
- content=''
- encoding=''
- end
- else do
- partname=parts.i.1.1
- content=parts.i.1.1.1
- encoding=parts.i.
- end
- select
- when parttype='H' then parttype='Header'
- when parttype='L' then parttype='Leader'
- when parttype='X' then parttype='Boundary'
- when parttype='B' then parttype=bo||'Body'
- when parttype='T' then parttype='Trailer'
- otherwise parttype='Unknown'
- end
- linein=parttype||','||partcnt||','||sectcnt||','||partname||','||content||','||encoding
- list ID YTPRM INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom,
- ATTRS MUIA_List_Format """P=\033l BAR,P=\033r BAR,P=\033r BAR,P=\033l BAR,BAR,""",
- STRING linein
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Display portion of mail in list */
- /**************************************************************************/
- DisplayMail:
- parse var subparm parttype ',' xpartcnt ',' rest
- list ID YTPRM ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- mcnt=result
- do i=0 to mcnt-1
- list ID YTPRM POS i
- xsubparm=result
- if xsubparm=subparm then do
- selected.0=1
- selected.1=subparm
- leave i
- end
- end
- parttype=substr(parttype,2)
- if c2d(substr(parttype,1,1))=27 then do
- parttype=substr(parttype,3)
- end
- select
- when parttype='Header' then xparttype='H'
- when parttype='Leader' then xparttype='L'
- when parttype='Boundary' then xparttype='X'
- when parttype='Body' then xparttype='B'
- when parttype='Trailer' then xparttype='T'
- otherwise do
- errmsg=_text._badparttype
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- end
- list ID YTPRH ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- mcnt=result
- method ID YTPRR MUIM_List_Clear
- found=FALSE
- do i=0 to mcnt-1
- list ID YTPRH POS i
- linein=result
- parse var linein parttype ',' partcnt ',' partname ',' content ',' encoding ',' maillist
- if xparttype=parttype & xpartcnt=partcnt then do
- found=TRUE
- list ID YTPRR INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom,
- STRING '='maillist
- end
- else do
- if found then leave
- end
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Main Logic Loop for viewing and printing */
- /**************************************************************************/
- ViewPrint:
- if ~firsttime then do
- infotext=_text._prepmail
- infobuttons=''
- showbusy=TRUE
- Call InfoWindow
- end
- cycle ID YTPR4
- styled=result
- if styled=_label._ytpr4a then styled=TRUE
- else styled=FALSE
- cycle ID YTPR5
- multijob=result
- if multijob=_label._ytpr5b then multijob=TRUE
- else multijob=FALSE
- cycle ID YTPR7
- coloropt=result
- if coloropt=_label._ytpr7a then coloropt=FALSE
- else coloropt=TRUE
- Call StyleVals
- select
- when mainparm='VIEW' then do
- method ID YTPRR MUIM_List_Clear
- Call DoViewPrint
- end
- when mainparm='PRINT' then do
- if open('OUT','PRT:','W') then do
- Call DoViewPrint
- foo=close('OUT')
- end /* good open on PRT: */
- else do
- errmsg=_text._noprinter
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- end
- otherwise do /* better be SAVE to DISK */
- Call GetFileName
- Call DoViewPrint
- end
- end
- window ID YTINF close
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Handle looping thru selected mail parts */
- /**************************************************************************/
- DoViewPrint:
- list ID YTPRM ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- mcnt=result
- list ID YTPRH ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- hcnt=result
- do i=0 to mcnt-1
- list ID YTPRM
- subparm=result
- if subparm='' then leave i
- selptr=1+selected.0
- selected.0=selptr
- selected.selptr=subparm
- parse var subparm parttype ',' xpartcnt ',' rest
- if c2d(substr(parttype,1,1))=27 then do
- parttype=substr(parttype,3)
- end
- select
- when parttype='Header' then xparttype='H'
- when parttype='Leader' then xparttype='L'
- when parttype='Boundary' then xparttype='X'
- when parttype='Body' then xparttype='B'
- when parttype='Trailer' then xparttype='T'
- otherwise do
- errmsg=_text._badparttype
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- end
- found=FALSE
- if mainparm='PRINT' & multijob & i>0 then do
- foo=writeln('OUT',FF)
- end
- if mainparm='DISK' & multijob & i>0 then do
- foo=close('OUT')
- Call GetFileName
- end
- if i=0 then do
- if coloropt & styled & mainparm='PRINT' then do
- foo=writech('OUT',qoff) /* force to normal text */
- end
- if xparttype~='H' | xpartcnt~=1 then do
- Call DoHeader
- end
- end
- do j=0 to hcnt-1
- list ID YTPRH POS j
- linein=result
- parse var linein parttype ',' partcnt ',' partname ',' content ',' encoding ',' maillist
- if xparttype=parttype & xpartcnt=partcnt then do
- found=TRUE
- if styled then do
- Call StyleIt
- end
- if mainparm='VIEW' then do
- maillist=translate(maillist,' ',',')
- if maillist='' then maillist=no
- list ID YTPRR INSERT POS MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom,
- STRING maillist
- end
- else do /* Print OR Save it */
- foo=writeln('OUT',maillist)
- end
- end
- else do
- if found then leave j
- end
- end
- end
- if i=0 then do
- errmsg=_text._nosect
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Handle type of header to include */
- /**************************************************************************/
- DoHeader:
- cycle ID YTPR6
- headopt=result
- select
- when mainparm='VIEW' then nop /* no headers on VIEW option */
- when headopt=_label._ytpr6c then nop /* set to NONE for header */
- when headopt=_label._ytpr6b then do /* set to FULL for header */
- do j=0 to hcnt-1 /* loop thru file */
- list ID YTPRH POS j
- linein=result
- parse var linein parttype ',' partcnt ',' partname ',' content ',' encoding ',' maillist
- if parttype='H' & partcnt=1 then do
- foo=writeln('OUT',maillist)
- end
- else leave j
- end
- end
- otherwise do /* set to SHORT for header */
- do j=0 to 3
- list ID YTPRT POS j
- headline=result
- foo=writeln('OUT',headline)
- end
- end
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Get Filename for SAVES */
- /**************************************************************************/
- GetFileName:
- ytprintfile=result
- select
- when lastpos('/',ytprintfile)>0 then do
- savfile=substr(ytprintfile,lastpos('/',ytprintfile)+1)
- savdir=substr(ytprintfile,1,lastpos('/',ytprintfile)-1)
- end
- when lastpos(':',ytprintfile)>0 then do
- savfile=substr(ytprintfile,lastpos(':',ytprintfile)+1)
- savdir=substr(ytprintfile,1,lastpos(':',ytprintfile))
- end
- otherwise do
- savfile=''
- savdir="""T:"""
- end
- end
- aslrequest ID YTPRW TITLE _title._asl,
- ATTRS ASLFR_InitialDrawer savdir ASLFR_InitialFile savfile
- if rc = 0 then do
- ytprintfile=result
- setvar YTPRINTDIR ytprintfile
- if ~open('OUT',ytprintfile,'W') then do
- errmsg=_text._badsavefile
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- end
- else do
- window ID YTINF close
- exit
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Set Styling code values */
- /* */
- /**************************************************************************/
- StyleVals:
- stylelist='#_*/'
- goodpre1=' [({\"&+'
- goodpre2="'"
- badpost1=' /_:;.,#+\|?=([{&%$§"!'
- goodpost1=" +&'\n})]-.:,;!?"
- select
- when mainparm='VIEW' then do /* show with MUI formatted styling */
- SansiBold=bo
- EansiBold=no
- SansiItal=it
- EansiItal=no
- SansiUlin=ul
- EansiUlin=no
- SansiColr=co
- EansiColr=cx
- QuoteColr=hl
- qattr=QuoteColr
- qoff=EansiColr
- end
- when coloropt & mainparm='DISK' then do /* save as COLORED styling */
- csi='1B5B'x
- SansiBold=csi||'1m'
- EansiBold=csi||'22m'
- SansiItal=csi||'3m'
- EansiItal=csi||'23m'
- SansiUlin=csi||'4m'
- EansiUlin=csi||'24m'
- SansiColr=csi||'33;40m'
- EansiColr=csi||'31;40m'
- QuoteColr=csi||'37;40m'
- qattr=QuoteColr
- qoff=EansiColr
- end
- when coloropt & mainparm='PRINT' then do /* print as COLORED styling */
- csi='1B5B'x
- SansiBold=csi||'1m'
- EansiBold=csi||'22m'
- SansiItal=csi||'3m'
- EansiItal=csi||'23m'
- SansiUlin=csi||'4m'
- EansiUlin=csi||'24m'
- SansiColr=csi||'36;47m'
- EansiColr=csi||'30;47m'
- QuoteColr=csi||'31;47m'
- qattr=QuoteColr
- qoff=EansiColr
- end
- otherwise do /* print or save as B/W styling */
- csi='1B5B'x
- SansiBold=csi||'1m'
- EansiBold=csi||'22m'
- SansiItal=csi||'3m'
- EansiItal=csi||'23m'
- SansiUlin=csi||'4m'
- EansiUlin=csi||'24m'
- SansiColr=csi||'1m'
- EansiColr=csi||'22m'
- QuoteColr=SansiColr
- qattr=QuoteColr
- qoff=EansiColr
- end
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Convert styling to ANSI */
- /* */
- /* Logic: Locate FIRST style character that fits rules. */
- /* Locate FIRST same character after it. */
- /* If valid then replace those with ANSI codes. */
- /* Save that portion and loop for possible others. */
- /* If NOT valid then loop looking for a new FIRST possibility. */
- /* */
- /* This appears to match the logic in Yam1.3.4 which probably will change */
- /* in Yam2.x Right now it seems that the next matching style character */
- /* MUST be a valid ending one OR the starting one is invalid as a start. */
- /* */
- /**************************************************************************/
- StyleIt:
- qattr=QuoteColr
- qline=TRUE
- testword=word(maillist,1)
- if pos('>',testword)=0 then do
- qline=FALSE
- qattr=qoff
- end
- /******************* better logic for quoted lines **********
- qline=TRUE
- testword=word(maillist,1)
- if length(testword)>0 then do
- tchar0=substr(testword,length(testword),1)
- if tchar0~='>' & substr(testword,1,1)~='>' then do
- qline=FALSE
- qattr=qoff
- end
- end
- else do
- qline=FALSE
- qattr=qoff
- end
- ********************************************************/
- mailtest=maillist
- mailcopy=''
- spos=verify(mailtest,stylelist,'MATCH')
- do while spos>0
- schar=substr(mailtest,spos,1)
- /* test if character BEFORE style character is a valid one */
- if spos>1 then do
- tchar1=substr(mailtest,spos-1,1)
- if verify(goodpre1,tchar1,'MATCH')=0 & tchar1~=goodpre2 then do
- Call TrimIt
- iterate
- end
- end
- /* Character BEFORE style character IS valid - test one after it */
- if spos<length(mailtest) then do
- tchar2=substr(mailtest,spos+1,1)
- if verify(badpost1,tchar2,'MATCH')>0 then do
- Call TrimIt
- iterate
- end
- end
- else do /* all done - style char was last char in string */
- mailcopy=mailcopy||mailtest
- spos=0
- end
- /* NOW locate the NEXT matching character if one */
- epos=pos(schar,substr(mailtest,spos+1))
- /* if epos is not last character then check if following char val*/
- if epos>0 then do
- epos=spos+epos /* real position */
- if epos<length(mailtest) then do
- tchar3=substr(mailtest,epos+1,1)
- if verify(goodpost1,tchar3,'MATCH')=0 then do
- Call TrimIt
- iterate
- end
- end
- end
- else do /* no matching end character */
- Call TrimIt
- iterate
- end
- /* OK, have a valid START and END styling character */
- if spos>1 then do
- temp1=substr(mailtest,1,spos-1)
- end
- else do
- temp1=''
- end
- temp2=substr(mailtest,spos+1,epos-spos-1)
- if epos<length(mailtest) then do
- temp3=substr(mailtest,epos+1)
- end
- else temp3=''
- select
- when schar='*' then temp2=SansiBold||temp2||EansiBold
- when schar='#' then do
- if qline & mainparm='PRINT' then do
- temp2=EansiColr||temp2||EansiColr
- end
- else do
- temp2=SansiColr||temp2||EansiColr
- end
- end
- when schar='_' then temp2=SansiUlin||temp2||EansiUlin
- when schar='/' then temp2=SansiItal||temp2||EansiItal
- otherwise nop
- end
- mailcopy=mailcopy||temp1||temp2
- mailtest=qattr||temp3
- spos=verify(mailtest,stylelist,'MATCH')
- end
- maillist=qattr||mailcopy||mailtest
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Save the mail file back */
- /**************************************************************************/
- TrimIt:
- mailcopy=mailcopy||substr(mailtest,1,spos)
- mailtest=substr(mailtest,spos+1)
- if length(mailtest)>0 then do
- spos=verify(mailtest,stylelist,'MATCH')
- end
- else do
- spos=0
- end
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Make sure YAM and YAMTOOLS are running. Show YAM. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- CheckYAM:
- if ~show('p','YAMTOOLS') then do
- errmsg=_text._noyt
- say errmsg
- exit
- end
- if ~show('p','YAM') then do
- errmsg=_text._noyam
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Address YAM 'show' /* uniconify YAM's screen */
- Address YAM 'info SCREEN' /* get YAM's screen */
- screen=result
- if screen='' then screen='Workbench'
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Make sure there isn't one running already. */
- /**************************************************************************/
- CheckDup:
- list ID YTPRM ATTRS MUIA_List_Entries
- if result~='RESULT' then do
- errmsg=_text._secondrun
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Return
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Get information from YAM config file */
- /******************************************************************************/
- GetYamInfo:
- Address YAM 'getmailinfo file' /* find which mail to rewrap */
- mfile=result
- if mfile='' | mfile='RESULT' then do /* no mail selected */
- errmsg=_text._nomail
- Call ErrorMsg
- exit
- end
- Return
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Display ERROR message and EXIT. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- ErrorMsg:
- request ID ERRM GADGETS _text._ok errmsg
- exit
- Return
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Display the mail in a list window. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- BuildWindow:
- if exists(UnMime.rexx) then ghostunmime=FALSE
- else ghostunmime=TRUE
- window ID YTPRW TITLE _title._main,
- COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx QUIT"',
- ATTRS MUIA_Window_PublicScreen screen
- group
- group
- endgroup
- group HORIZ ATTRS MUIA_VertWeight 100
- group
- ATTRS MUIA_VertWeight 70
- COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx VIEW %s"',
- TITLE _title._ytprm,
- ATTRS MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Shifted
- endgroup
- group HORIZ ATTRS MUIA_HorizWeight 20
- group
- cycle ID YTPR4 HELP help.YTPR4 NODE node.YTPR4,
- LABELS _label._ytpr4
- cycle ID YTPR5 HELP help.YTPR5 NODE node.YTPR5,
- LABELS _label._ytpr5
- cycle ID YTPR6 HELP help.YTPR6 NODE node.YTPR6,
- LABELS _label._ytpr6
- cycle ID YTPR7 HELP help.YTPR7 NODE node.YTPR7,
- LABELS _label._ytpr7
- space
- endgroup
- group
- button ID YTPR0 COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx VIEW"',
- HELP help.YTPR0 NODE node.YTPR0,
- LABEL _label._YTPR0
- button ID YTPR1 COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx PRINT"',
- HELP help.YTPR1 NODE node.YTPR1,
- LABEL _label._YTPR1
- button ID YTPR2 COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx DISK"',
- HELP help.YTPR2 NODE node.YTPR2,
- LABEL _label._YTPR2
- button ID YTPR3 COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx UNMIME"',
- HELP help.YTPR3 NODE node.YTPR3,
- ATTRS MUIA_Disabled ghostunmime,
- LABEL _label._YTPR3
- space
- button ID YTPRQ COMMAND '"YTPrint.rexx QUIT"',
- LABEL _label._YTPRQ
- endgroup
- endgroup
- endgroup
- group ATTRS MUIA_VertWeight 150
- endgroup
- endgroup
- endwindow
- Return
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Simple information/error message window. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- InfoWindow:
- window ID YTINF TITLE _title._info ATTRS MUIA_Window_PublicScreen screen,
- MUIA_Window_DepthGadget FALSE
- group
- group
- text ID STEXT HELP help.STEXT NODE node.STEXT LABEL infotext
- endgroup
- if showbusy then do
- group
- object CLASS '"Busy.mcc"' ATTRS MUIA_VertWeight 25
- endgroup
- end
- if infobuttons ~='' then do
- group HORIZ
- group
- space HORIZ
- endgroup
- group
- radio ID SQUIT HELP help.SQUIT NODE node.SQUIT LABELS infobuttons
- endgroup
- group
- space HORIZ
- endgroup
- endgroup
- end
- else do
- group
- space HORIZ 100
- endgroup
- end
- endgroup
- endwindow
- Return
- /******************************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************************/
- Muivars:
- /*
- MUIA_CycleChain = 0x80421ce7
- MUIA_String_Accept = 0x8042e3e1
- MUIA_Window_ActiveObject = 0x80427925
- MUIA_Window_ActiveObject = 0x80427925
- MUIA_String_AdvanceOnCR = 0x804226de
- MUIA_Window_SizeGadget = 0x8042e33d
- MUIM_List_Jump = 0x8042baab
- MUIV_List_Insert_Active = -1
- MUIV_List_Remove_First = 0
- MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_Next = -1
- */
- MUIA_Disabled = 0x80423661
- MUIA_HorizWeight = 0x80426db9
- MUIA_List_Active = 0x8042391c
- MUIA_List_Format = 0x80423c0a
- MUIA_List_Entries = 0x80421654
- MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect = 0x80427e08
- MUIA_List_Quiet = 0x8042d8c7
- MUIA_List_Visible = 0x8042191f
- MUIA_Selected = 0x8042654b
- MUIA_ShowMe = 0x80429ba8
- MUIA_VertWeight = 0x804298d0
- MUIA_Weight = 0x80421d1f
- MUIA_Window_DepthGadget = 0x80421923
- MUIA_Window_PublicScreen = 0x804278e4
- ASLFR_InitialFile = 0x80080008
- ASLFR_InitialDrawer = 0x80080009
- MUIM_List_Clear = 0x8042ad89
- MUIM_List_Select = 0x804252d8
- TRUE=1
- MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom = -3
- MUIV_List_Select_Off = 0
- MUIV_List_Select_On = 1
- MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Shifted = 2
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Various values used throughout the various routines */
- /**************************************************************************/
- YTvars:
- missing='.'
- comma=','
- tab='09'x /* tab character */
- firsttime=FALSE
- selected.0=0
- reselect.0=0
- FF='0C'x /* print control FORM FEED */
- bo='\033b' /* print control BOLD */
- bc='\033b\033c' /* print control BOLD CENTER */
- it='\033i' /* print control ITALIC */
- ul='\033u' /* print control UNDERLINED */
- co='\0335' /* print control COLORED pen5 */
- cx='\0332' /* print control FOREGROUND */
- hl='\0338' /* print control HIGHLIGHT */
- nc='\033n\033c' /* print control NORM CENTER */
- no='\033n' /* print control NORM */
- nl='\n' /* print control 1 NEW LINE */
- nl2='\n\n' /* print control 2 NEW LINES */
- ct='\033c' /* print control CENTER */
- lf='\033l' /* print control LEFT ALIGN */
- rt='\033r' /* print control RIGHT ALIGN */
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Messages, text, etc. constructed using previously defined values */
- /**************************************************************************/
- Builtvars:
- _title._ytprm='"'||bc||_col._ytprm1||comma||bo||_col._ytprm2||comma||bo||_col._ytprm3||comma||bc||_col._ytprm4||comma||bo||_col._ytprm5||comma||bo||_col._ytprm6||'"'
- _label._ytpr4=_label._ytpr4a||comma||_label._ytpr4b
- _label._ytpr5=_label._ytpr5a||comma||_label._ytpr5b
- _label._ytpr6=_label._ytpr6a||comma||_label._ytpr6b||comma||_label._ytpr6c
- _label._ytpr7=_label._ytpr7a||comma||_label._ytpr7b
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Pointers into the YamTools.guide documentation */
- /**************************************************************************/
- Helpvars:
- node.SQUIT='7.3.'
- node.STEXT='7.3.'
- node.YTPRF='7.3.'
- node.YTPRT='7.3.'
- node.YTPRM='7.3.'
- node.YTPRR='7.3.'
- node.YTPR0='7.3.'
- node.YTPR1='7.3.'
- node.YTPR2='7.3.'
- node.YTPR3='7.3.'
- node.YTPR4='7.3.'
- node.YTPR5='7.3.'
- node.YTPR6='7.3.'
- node.YTPR7='7.3.'
- node.YTPRQ='7.3.'
- Return
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Mui Gadgets, text, msgs, etc. used in YamTools */
- /**************************************************************************/
- Localize:
- /*********************************/
- /* Miscellaneous info strings */
- /*********************************/
- _title._main="""YTPrint v1.0""" /* main screen title */
- _title._info="""YTPrint Info""" /* default title on infomsg */
- _title._asl="""Select File""" /* title for ASL requester */
- _text._ok="Ok" /* various OK buttons */
- _text._cancel="Cancel" /* LABEL for CANCEL button */
- _label._ytpr0="View" /* label for VIEW button */
- _label._ytpr1="Print" /* label for Print button */
- _label._ytpr2="Disk" /* label for DISK button */
- _label._ytpr3="UnMime" /* label for UNMIME button */
- _label._ytpr4a="Styled" /* convert to ANSI text style */
- _label._ytpr4b="Normal" /* leave text as is */
- _label._ytpr5a="Single" /* process as single file */
- _label._ytpr5b="Multiple" /* treat each section separate*/
- _label._ytpr6a="Short" /* type of header to include */
- _label._ytpr6b="Full" /* type of header to include */
- _label._ytpr6c="None" /* type of header to include */
- _label._ytpr7a="B/W" /* format for black and white */
- _label._ytpr7b="Color" /* format for color printing */
- _label._ytprq="Quit" /* label for QUIT button */
- _col._ytprm1="Type" /* heading for ytprm column 1 */
- _col._ytprm2="N" /* heading for ytprm column 2 */
- _col._ytprm3="Lines" /* heading for ytprm column 3 */
- _col._ytprm4="Name" /* heading for ytprm column 1 */
- _col._ytprm5="Content" /* heading for ytprm column 2 */
- _col._ytprm6="Encoding" /* heading for ytprm column 3 */
- _text._savemail="Saving Mail File..." /* saving mailfile message */
- _text._prepmail="Preparing Mail..." /* preparing mail message */
- _text._noprinter="Unable to open PRT:\nIs the Printer on?"
- /*********************************/
- /* Various error conditions */
- /*********************************/
- _text._noyam="You need YAM running to use YAMTOOLS" /* yam not running */
- _text._noyt="You need YAMTOOLS running to use YTPrint" /* no yamtools */
- _text._secondrun="You ALREADY have a YTPrint started" /* second run */
- _text._nomail="You need to select a mail file to use YTPrint"
- _text._nosect="You need to select mail section(s) to View/Print/Save"
- _text._badmail="Cannot open the mail file"
- _text._badparm="Unrecognized parms passed to YTPrint:"
- _text._prtquoted="Warning! Parts of this message are in Quoted-Printable format\nYou may wish to UnMime before printing"
- _text._badparttype="Found unknown part type in mail"
- _text._badsavefile="Unable to open output file"
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Help Messages to display with MUI bubble facility. */
- /* */
- /* Format is simple: help.ID where ID is the id specified on the MUI */
- /* object statement. */
- /* Similar approach for accessing the .guide information using the NODE */
- /* option on the object statement. */
- /* */
- /**************************************************************************/
- help.SQUIT=""""""
- help.STEXT=""""""
- help.YTPRF="""Yam mail file"""
- help.YTPRT="""Short Header of mail file"""
- help.YTPRM="""Information about each mail section\nDouble-click to Read section\nMulti-select to View/Print/Save"""
- help.YTPRR="""Area for Reading/Viewing mail sections"""
- help.YTPR0="""View selected section(s) in read area"""
- help.YTPR1="""Print selected section(s)\nEnsure printer is ON"""
- help.YTPR2="""Save selected section(s) to disk"""
- help.YTPR3="""Convert mail to 8bit encoding using UnMime.rexx if available"""
- help.YTPR4="""Leave as plain text\nConvert to ANSI text styling"""
- help.YTPR5="""Process selected section(s) as single file\nProcess each section separate"""
- help.YTPR6="""Type of header to include in Printing/Saving to disk\nIf the Header is not selected"""
- help.YTPR7="""Styled for Black and White or for COLOR\non PRINT or save to DISK"""
- help.YTPRQ="""Quit"""
- Return